地 址:浙江省宁波市北仑区沿山河北路56号大碶工业园区56-4号
电 话:0574-86965600
传 真:0574-86965601
手 机:(0)13454769509
邮 箱:DEOliu@126.com
网 址:www.cndeo.net
Used for DPK series of coolers are applied to overflowing rinsing cooling in closed-off system, and independently-circulating cooling system, such as products in oil mining vessels heavy equipments. Featuress Arrange the cooler and bell-shaped cover together artfully making the structure compact, and easy to install. It don t need to drive electrical motor in addition. It adopt centrifugal draught fan with very low noise and great wind pressure. It is suited for conditions of cabined space where explosion-proof lights are employed. It is first choice for upgrading your products. 适用范围: 系列冷却器主要运用于闭式系统 DPK的溢流冲洗冷却和有防爆要求的独立循环冷却系统。如:石油、采矿、船舶、重型设备等行业。 特点: 结构紧凑,巧妙的把冷却器与钟型罩合二为一,安装方便。无须另外驱动电机。采用离心式风机,噪音低,风压大。特别适合空间狭窄、防爆灯场合使用,是您产品升级的首选。 |